We saw about 60 animals during our time in the jungle. And while the Amazon boasts incredible biodiversity, we were told by Tahuayo Lodge/Amazonia Expeditions ahead of time that we would probably see a lot of animals – but maybe just one or two of each animal. They were right. We thought we’d share with you a list of alllll the animals we saw.
- Southern tamandua anteater
- Owl monkey
- Squirrel monkey
- Capuchin
- Large-headed capuchin
- Coppery titi monkey
- Pygmy marmoset
- White-moustached tamarin
- Woolly monkey
- Three-toed sloth
- Pink dolphin
- Gray dolphin
- Bartender rat
- Great spearfishing bat
- Long-nosed bat
I swear there's a monkey in there. |
The anteater. Still one of our favorite finds! |
- Anhinga
- Black collar hawk
- Great black hawk
- Tiny hawk
- Brown-chested martin
- Cocoi heron
- Striped heron
- Collared trogon
- Common potoo
- Cormorant
- Duck
- Great jacamar
- White-eared jacamar
- Greater ani
- Jungle chicken
- Macaw
- Nun bird
- Oropendola
- Parakeets
- Plumbeous kite
- Millie parrot
- Short-tailed parrots
- Thrush-like wren
- Turkey vulture
- Velvet-fronted grackle
- White-banded swallow
- White-chested toucan
- Wire-tailed manakin
- Yellow-rumped cacique
- Black caiman
- Emerald tree boa
- Yellow-footed tortoise
A black caiman. Verrrry close to our boat. |
Just can't get enough of this yellow-footed tortoise. |
- Catfish
- Freshwater barracuda
- One-dollar fish
- Red-bellied piranha
- White piranha
- Amazonian tree frog
- Gladiator tree frog
- Poison dart frog
- Arachnids
- Tarantula
- And that creepy spider that was in my room
A tree frog on Lander's pants at night. |
- Butterflies
- Bullet ants
- Fire ants
- Lots of other ants
- Horse flies
- Mosquitoes (yes, dead last on this list 😉)
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